
Oprema Micro Matic LLC
Limited liability company for manufacturing
of hospitality eguipment
Gospodarska ulica 5
Croatia, EU


Company registration number: 3246507. OIB: 62566427718. VAT identification number: HR62566427718.

Bank account with IBAN HR84 2360 0001 1017 4328 8 at Zagrebačka banka d.d., Zagreb, Croatia/EU (SWIFT: ZABAHR2X).

Main business activity is 2825 - production of cooling and ventilation equipment, except for households (NKD, the National classification of activities).

The company is registered at the Commercial Court in Varaždin under MBS (Legal Entity Identifier) 070002274.

Nominal share capital of the company is 2.047.700,00 EUR.

Board: Chair of the Board, Domagoj Cvetko; Board member, Anders Nørgaard; Supervisory Board Chair: Lars Gjødsbøl


Company's history

Find out more about the most important details of Oprema Micro Matic history from year 1948 to present time on the following infographic.

How to find us