Solar Power Plant Oprema - upgrade
Oprema d.d. signed a Grant Agreement on 27th of December 2023 for the purpose of project implementation entitled – Solar Power Plant Oprema - upgrade.
Project Solar Power Plant Oprema - upgradeProjekt, referent number: MF-2023-1-1-146 is co-funded from the Modernization Fund based on the Agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency.
Project Solar Power Plant Oprema - upgradeProjekt, referent number: MF-2023-1-1-146 is co-funded from the Modernization Fund based on the Agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development and the Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency.
Expected results of the project:
- Installed solar power plant with nominal power of 418 kW
- Electricity production using renewable energy sources in the amount of 409.84 MWh/year
- Reduction of reference consumption of delivered energy by 57%
- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the minimum amount of 65.16tCO₂/year or 57%
Cumulative savings of energy delivery in the amount of 6.332,44 MWh and savings of greenhouse gas emissions in the amount of 1.006,79 tCO₂ are expected until the end of investment lifetime..
Project implementation period:
02.01.2024. – 31.12.2024.
Total eligible costs of the project:
284.400,00 EUR
Co-funded from Modernization Fund (intensity of support 70%):
199.080,00 EUR
Contact person for more information:
Tomislav Grabarić
Tel. +385 42 819 183
More informations about Modernization Fund at link:
Co-financed from the EU emissions trading system (Modernization Fund).
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