Crazy Hill Trail 2024
We were a proud sponsor of the 10th anniversary Crazy Hill Trail races. Congratulations to all race participants, especially to members of our team!

"BRAU Beviale 2023" fair
We exhibited at the BRAU Beviale 2023 fair in Nuremberg in Germany, November 28-30, 2023.

Norway Grants: Open call for bids for the procurement of…
On 3.10.2023. an open call for bids for the procurement of a CNC tube bending machine with installationa was issued

Norway Grants project "Increasing competitiveness by procuring greener machinery" started
Supported by the Norway Grants 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme Business Development and Innovation Croatia.

Crazy Hill Trail 2023
Again this year, we were a proud sponsor of the Crazy Hill Trail race, which was held in three categories: 10, 16 and 34 kilometers. From this year, the race is a member of ITRA.

"drinktec 2022" fair
We exhibited at the drinktec fair in Munich in Germany, September 12-16, 2022.